How can I go to Tadoba from Hyderabad?
Hyderabad to Tadoba Hyderabad to Tadoba distance is 386 kms and its takes approx 8 hrs by road. Out of the 1 reviews shared by travellers, 100% prefer Car and Cabs respectively. Tadoba does not have a train station, and the nearest station is Chandrapur, at a distance of 59 kms from Tadoba. Hyderabad to Tadoba by Bus: Lot of buses operate on this route at various price ranges making it very convenient for travellers. Different type of buses operate on this route like A/C Sleeper (2+1), Non A/C Sleeper, Volvo A/C Multi-Axle Semi-sleeper, and Volvo A/C Multi-Axle Semi-sleeper. Book your bus by TNSTC, APSRTC, Bharathi Travels to reach Tadoba from Hyderabad. Book bus tickets for Tadoba from Hyderabad. Quite a few government and private buses run between Hyderabad and Tadoba. Hyderabad to Tadoba by Train: Check the train status, schedule, timetable and availability to reach Tadoba from Hyderabad You will reach in 7 hours from Hyderabad to Tadob...
Thanks for the guidance about how to reach Tadoba national park
ReplyDeleteTadoba national park is one of the best tiger reserves. With more than 80 tigers, it has high chances of tiger sightings
ReplyDeleteTiger is magnificent animal. Tiger spotting is matter of luck but if you spot it, it will be a memory of life time. Pench & Tadoba are good for Tiger sightings
ReplyDeleteI like this post and good information please provide few more information about this postFamous Tiger Safari Tours in India
ReplyDeleteThanks for guiding us about the trip from Mumbai to Tadoba.
ReplyDeleteVisit Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve to enjoy tiger sighting near Kolara and Moharli gate in tadoba with Natures Sprout.
great post on how to reach Tadoba from Hyderabad make your holiday special with Tadoba Safari Stay with best stay in jungle. Also get special offers on Tadoba Safari booking