How can I go to Tadoba from Hyderabad?
Hyderabad to Tadoba Hyderabad to Tadoba distance is 386 kms and its takes approx 8 hrs by road. Out of the 1 reviews shared by travellers, 100% prefer Car and Cabs respectively. Tadoba does not have a train station, and the nearest station is Chandrapur, at a distance of 59 kms from Tadoba. Hyderabad to Tadoba by Bus: Lot of buses operate on this route at various price ranges making it very convenient for travellers. Different type of buses operate on this route like A/C Sleeper (2+1), Non A/C Sleeper, Volvo A/C Multi-Axle Semi-sleeper, and Volvo A/C Multi-Axle Semi-sleeper. Book your bus by TNSTC, APSRTC, Bharathi Travels to reach Tadoba from Hyderabad. Book bus tickets for Tadoba from Hyderabad. Quite a few government and private buses run between Hyderabad and Tadoba. Hyderabad to Tadoba by Train: Check the train status, schedule, timetable and availability to reach Tadoba from Hyderabad You will reach in 7 hours from Hyderabad to Tadob...
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